Small Water Systems

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The MWA Small Water Systems Assistance Program was developed from the Mojave Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan) in response to a growing need for additional resources for disadvantaged and severely disadvantaged small water systems (SWS) that lack staff, expertise, and funding to address water reliability, as well as increased water quality standards.

A majority of the Mojave Region is comprised of Disadvantaged Communities defined by the State as any community where the median household income is below 80% of the statewide median household income.  The key issues, needs, challenges, and priorities for the Mojave Region with respects to disadvantaged communities include: help improve water management systems that serve DAC's, educate communities about requirements and opportunities, and support DAC's to apply for assistance.
Read more on IRWM Plan implementation for Small Water Systems and Disadvantaged Communities.

Training Series- NEW
California Rural Water Association in partnership with Mojave Water Agency (MWA) and in support of the Integrated Regional Water Management Plan is offering a series of free trainings designed to enhance your knowledge of the water industry. These no-cost workshops are beneficial for Water Operators and System Managers of Private, Public and Tribal Systems.  See the Workshops page for more information.

Small Water Systems Technical, Managerial, Financial Funding Assistance, & Training Program  
A no-cost program presented by MWA and the CRWA for Small Water Systems (purveyors) within the Mojave IRWM Planning Region - open this link for more information

Water Purveyor Geographic Guide and Contact Information
A downloadable document of purveyors located within the Mojave Water Agency
GIS Digital Mapping and Line Locating - NEW
A free service provided by Cal Rural Water Association
  • Asset Management Planning
  • Pipelines
  • Hydrants
  • Valves + more

Water Loss Webinar Series
With grant funding from the EPA, the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SWEFC) at the University of New Mexico is offering a free water loss training series this winter/spring 2022.  The series include training, resources and tools for the full range of water loss control. For more information, including registration details, please click here.

  • More than half of Small Water Systems qualify as disadvantaged
  • Within the Mojave Integrated Regional Water Management Planning area approximately 87% of the population are living in a Disadvantaged Community (DAC)
  • MWA Board of Directors began providing funding for the program in the fiscal year 2014/2015. Over the past seven years, for every dollar spent by the Agency to assist Small Water Systems the region has received nearly 5 dollars in return
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